♥uber twitter

huahahaha . hello guys , tau ga , aku lagi demen ni maenan twitter . sumprit , setiap kali bangun pagi , aku langsung cek si UT . hahaha . padahal dulunya aku pusing dan engga ngerti cara pake ni twitter . tapi sekarang *wohoooo* aku kerajingan pake twitter .

contohnya ni , tadi pagi aku kebangun gara-gara mimpi buruk . kalian tau mimpi buruk tentang apa ? tentang yearbook !! iya , buku tahunan sekolahku *padahal jadi aja belom . hahaha*
di mimpiku ini , aku pegang buku yearbooknya . trus aku buka halaman per halaman . oh my gawdess . parah deh ! okelah , covernya masih menarik . halaman pertama kosong *bahan : kertas hvs* trus halaman kedua , isinya tentang si ketua redaksi *yang yeah , bla bla blah* . halaman ketiga isinya tentang anggota panitia lain yang notabene AKU . trus what the fudge , dimana foto nya ? ahh , dihalaman baliknya . aduh , parah banget deh mimpiku ini .
dan aku langsung tweet . hahaha . siaull , kebangun pagi-pagi gara-gara mimpi buruk tentang yearbook . hahahahahha
anyway , aku dan semua *maybe yes maybe no* ga tau kabar nya di yearbook . yang ngurusin kan si ketua TERsayang . hahahahaha . don't ask me why I uppercase the TER word . hahahha .

aku kerajingan twitter , ayo angkat tangan siapa yang kerajingan twitter juga ! NGAKU LOO !! hahahhahaha

follow me @vaniaholic
thx a lot :)

single and very happy *huh*

yeah fellas , i'm single right now .
at the first time I think it's hard to me , but , I think again and again .
it's just OK .
I'm not really a broken hearted , because we still friend , though . everything is gonna be okay . trust me . I can handle my feeling , I can calm down , and I hope he can get the best for him .
thanks for 7 months that you give to me . it was precious . it was too lovely to forget . but , life must go on . so , goodbye . have a good life .

and now , I'm searching for ............*drumroll please*
a very hawwwwttt guy ! *absolutly , great abs , nice smell , tall , and white skin *
a very kewllll guy ! *a smart one , funny , and gentleman *

if you think you are the guy that I mean , just leave the message in chat box .
ahhahahahhaa :)
wait for you guys !

flightless bird

heyy . dulu aku pernah posting lagu ini kan ?
setelah sekian lama menghilang , aku jadi inget lagi lagu ini .
thank you so much to RONALD yang udah masang lagu ini di blognya : A ROLL OF LIFE .
sekarang aku lagi masang lagunya keras-keras . dengerin lagu ini ngebuat aku jadi pengen nangis . nangis sekenceng kenceng nya . mungkin i'm totally a fool . a fool of love . i'm suck with LOVE !!
a girl that can't face the reality . a girl that just hidding behind her blanket . a girl that just can cry out loud when the reality hit her back . i just can't face the reality , why it must hurt me so bad . i can't just move away from YOU ! i know that i must face the reality , but , i can't . I CAN'T DO THAT !!!!!
lagu ini ngebuat aku inget tentang kenangan-kenangan yang ada . semua kenangan tentang aku dan dirinya . semua kenangan indah yang engga bisa diulang lagi . mungkin emang aku belon siap untuk maju ke depan menghadapi semua yang tersisa .
mungkin aku emang cengeng yang engga bisa nyelesein masalah nya sendiri . mungkin aku emang cewek yang engga bisa mandiri . emang aku emang manja !!

and you are the most stupid people when you spend your time with me ..
is anyone want to be with me ?

bolt and reality show !

hey hoo , all !!
ini gue lagi posting lewat BOLT . pada tau gag browser yang namanya BOLT ? ini browser bener-bener manteb deh . enak banget pake nya . walopun pertamanya gue agak bingung gitu . hihihihi

anyway guys , gue disini cuma mau coba coba doank posting lewat BOLT , aslinya sih gue lagi nonton orang ke tiga di trans . hahahahahaha . khayal banget sih orang ketiga !! masak si presenter abis ditusuk , trus besoknya udah sembuh . bisa jalan kayak biasa gitu , ga ada efek kesakitan sama sekali . huahahahaha . konyol abis kan ??

gue ngerasa kalo niyh reality show lebaii deh , gue jadi engga percaya sama reality show kayak gitu , tapi kalo just 4 fun sihh it's okay lah . hihihihi .

eh , gue mau nonton lagi yaa . udah mulai film nya . hihihihihihihi .

bye guys !
*lagi jakarta mode on niyh akuu !!

romantic one !

When I first saw you
I close my eyes
When the flashback starts
I’m sitting there hopelessly
Just when I feel everything is going to end
Your angelic face showed before me…
Cheering me up with your charming smile
If only I can
I want to see it again…
I want to see you again…

You’re my angel
My only angel
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You never know dear
How much I love you
Since nothing in this world
Can measure my love
You’re my everything…

Even if the world betrays me
One thing for sure is that
My love for you
Will never betray anyone
Is this love genuine?
You’ll never know it
Not until you feel it yourself
Close your eyes
Forget what others said
Just feel it with…..
your own hearts…

I’m sorry, sorry, sorry
I’m sorry if I hurt you
I just wanted the best for you
Forgive me, forgive me
Give me another chance
Only then
I’ll show you that
Love can change everything!
Wil you give me a chance?

I just want to say;

KEVIN wants to tell his someone special this poem . but he thinks that the girl doesn't know what the meaning of this poem . LOL !

dear kevin , i love the bottom part !!
good luck .

two type of sadness .

semua ini bermula ketika aku nulis status di facebook ku gini : kepengen nangis terusannnn . trus banyak orang yang bertanya-tanya , kenapa ? ada apa ? ada beberapa orang yang perkataannya ngena banget ke aku .

JUPE bilang :vania : sbar van....!! msa VANIA nngis an rek.. hhe.. VANIA lhak dlu galak thow..

LAURENT malah bilang yang menyakitkan hati :semangad mbak...
without problem we can't be a fine adult :P

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning
~Albert Einstein~
*eah , si quotenya muncul deh*

trus aku bilang kayak gini :but what if the problem always behind me , treat me like there is no tomorrow for me ?
i hate being like this .

si KEVIN ikutan nyambung bilang gini : trouble is a friend

di dunia ini ada 2 jenis masalah:
1.Masalah yang mudah d selesaikan,gak perlu d pikirin,ntr juga beres ndiri...

2.masalah yang gk bs d selesein:jgn d pikirin juga soale gak bakal selese juga,jd bwt apa strezz???

tapi bagi aku yang paling ngena yang ini : y udah kan?cuma ada 2 tipe(mnrt gus dur)
maksudnya jgn d bawa stress,logikanya klo bisa d slesein pasti ntar slese ndiri,klo gk bs ya mao km apain juga gk slese2...

trouble is a friend,why?coz troubles will always be there for you,no matter who you are,whether you're happy or sad...

joy shared is joy doubled,sorrow shared is sorrow halved
knp gk coba sharing?klo mnrtmu gak bs bantu mecahin mslh,minim km bs berbagi dgn yg laen kan? :)
it was hurt me so bad , deep down in my heart , i feel that so true , but i can just say yes for all of this . it's my problem , no one can handle it except me .

anyway , selamet ya buat ATALIA yang udah bisa ngelupain masalahnya dan terus maju kedepan , ambil langkah yang besar dalem hidupnya . semoga itu bikin kamu tambah kuat , engga jatuh lagi ke lubang yang sama ya sist :)

okay , my body is here , but not my soul .
where are you my soul ??

sleepless , broken hearted , less minded ,
and , that's all is me :(

photobooth by mac book pro :)

bener-bener deh , aku memboring to the max ! abis engga ada yang bisa aku kerjaiinn ... cuma bisa maen mac book ini , sama bb . ahh ! nonton tv , maem , bobo lagi !! mandii juga sih . grrr .
bocen bocen bocenn !!
fellas , kalo kalian engga bisa liat voto aku seluruhnya , buka aja ya di photobucket .
klik di my photobucket untuk liat lebih banyak dan lebih jelas :)

bali with LOVE

after a long time I don't visit my school , I felt a longing to my school . more precisely , I miss all the memories that exist in every corner of the school . when I used as a school , I always want a vacation . but after I get a long vacation , I began to feel bored and miss my friends . I miss the laughter of my friends , their crazy behavior , sad and glad we live together for three years . but now we must take our own lives . we still have a long way to get the future . so , this is our last memories .

from bali with LOVE ,










































