yeaa , my VCD's project

hell-o !

akhirnya aku bisa nge-blog juga . setelah berminggu-minggu ga nge-blog ! hahaha , seneng banget .
okay , let me tell you about vcd or Visual Communication Design . yes ! that is what I learn in college .

at the first time , I think that I just using the computer for design a poster or a flyer or etc . but , I'm totally wrong ! there isn't using the computer at the first semester. the first semester is about DRAWING ! yeaaa , DRAWING and I tell you now , that I can't DRAWING ! it's a big problem for myself. I never use brush for colouring . usually I use brush in my adobe photoshop. so I never use brush in my real life !

aargh , that was so damn hard ! I tried to colour my drawing slowly. and FYI , we use chinnese tint for colour our drawing. and chinnese tint is so aqueous . so it's damn hard to keep the tint not out from our line. but after 1 month , I can using brush. my drawing is clean and tidy now.




andddd , don't forget about 3 dimentional design . ARGH ! honestly , it killing me softly. how can a girl without any hammer can nail 1600 nails in 5 hours ? I scream , I can ! yeaa , I can nail 1600 nails with my hands. I will show you my 1600 nails project. I named it Waving a HELL-0 . ahaha , it's hurt my finger. at that day , all of my VCD'S friend changed their BBM status become "1600 paku " or "paku meyiksa tanganku" or "VCDears become builder" hahahags . now , it's funny. but when at the time , it was really hurt.



well yeah , i also lazy to edit my photos now . I dont know why , but I think it's because I always feel tired when I'm home . VCD really killing me at the fist month . over time , I promise to show my drawing ! and you can see my development .

see you at next post . I must take a bath and go to Universitas Ciputra , my lovely college (:
have a nice day all , love youuu .



Unknown said...

wkwkwkwk, asik y uplod hasil 2D 3D
sayang inet dsni lemot bgt, uplod 1 foto je hrus ta tinggal mandi dlu

Unknown said...

wkwkwkwk, asik y uplod hasil 2D 3D
sayang inet dsni lemot bgt, uplod 1 foto je hrus ta tinggal mandi dlu

Unknown said...

wkwkwkwk, asik y uplod hasil 2D 3D
sayang inet dsni lemot bgt, uplod 1 foto je hrus ta tinggal mandi dlu

Unknown said...

wkwkwkwk, asik y uplod hasil 2D 3D
sayang inet dsni lemot bgt, uplod 1 foto je hrus ta tinggal mandi dlu