in my university, Ciputra University, International Business Management's student must held a big event. And in my generation was held ENCHANT , Entrepreneurship will Change the Future.
I think its a quite good event , but less publication. so , not much people attend Enchant. In Enchant we can find game booths, East Java Got Talent *a competition to show your unique tallent, Car Photocontest, Band Competition, and etc.

There is a haunted house in there called Majapahit Mumet. when we enter Majapahit Mumet we can get a free coupon for body painting. I hate haunted house game , but I want the body painting's coupon ! So , I entered Mapahit Mumet. It was so dark and I cried all the way. sound like a child , huh ?

After that , I went to body paiting's booth . I want a cute monster in my hand , so the painter drew it.







isn't it cute ?

new modem

hello guys .
finally, I have an internet connection in my house !
so happy to hear that . it means that I can update this blog every day ! every time I want !
huahahaha .
It needs a long time to setting the internet connection. at the first time I was so excited with my new AHA *my internet's provider* and I dont read the instruction clearly . I just put the sim card on my modem , and hope that it will works. but , it was wrong ! arghhhhhhh . I must setting the username and password . I dont know what's the password . wth with that .
coz I dont read the instuction clearly , I dont know what the password is .
and after I read it clearly , the password is written on the back side . so I can connect with the internet easily . *so stupid, huh*

and now , I will link all of you who write in my chatbox .

I have a tons of photos , but I can upload it now . I'm so hungry . now I'm waiting my friends to pick me up and go to McD.
I want to eat McD SOOOO BADDDLYYYYYYY !!!!
gonna catch you soon guys .
see you latter !

young + robi's surprise bday party

tanggal 25 oktober , masih 6 jam sebelum pukul 00.00
si young udah koar-koar kalo ulang tahunya kurang 6 jam lagi .
aku , ria sama sam udah ribut nentuin mau makan di mana . wkwk
ambil kue tar buat young .

3 jam sebelum pukul 00.00
aku masih kerjain tugas di rumah sama ria . lupa tugas apa . wkwkwk , oh ya ! tugas history tentang angkor wat . ria yang nyusun bahannya , aku masih sibuk kerjain kartu ulang tahun buat young .

2 jam sebelum pukul 00.00
aku sama ria masih ngerjain tugas . konsultasi sama sam , dipaksa sam buat ngasih surprise waktu 00.00 . tapi aku ga yakin bisa pergi . kan udah malem .
tanya sama floo *pacarnya robi* dia berangkat jam berapa . ternyata flo juga mau nebeng aku ke sscc *surabaya supermall convention centre* .
aku bilang : "mungkin aku ngasih surprise nya besok pagi , ketok-ketok apartemennya"
sam maksa suruh jam 00.00
well , akhirnya aku kalah , dan buat janji sama floo sama kevin tan biar dia jemput aku dirumahku.

1 jam sebelum pukul 00.00
masih kerja tugas sambil siap-siap nunggu dijemput . tapi udah ga konsen kerja tugas .

setengah jam sebelum pukul 00.00
dijemput kevin tan . sama ria dan flo ke sscc malem-malem , sambilo ngantuk + deg-degan , kontak si sam lagi . memastikan kalo si yong + robi ada di sscc . kevin tan mulai ngebut . aku deg-deg an , ntar kalo kue nya jatuh gimana . wkwk

10 menit sebelum pukul 00.00
udah sampe di sscc , foto-foto sebentar , di jemput sam , zevilla sama nia. mereka udah mastiin "target" ada di sscc .
jalan ke sscc . nunggu jam 00.00 di studio food court .

3 menit sebelum pukul 00.00
deg-degan , siap-siap nyalain lilin , si ria ngotot , lilinnya jangan di nyalain sekarang , soalnya lilin ku kecil .
kevin tan dah bawa si canyoun ku . dia berperan sebagai seksi dokumentasi . dia udah coba jepret-jepret pake si canyoun .

1 menit sebelum 00.00
otw dari studio food court ke sscc .


00.10 tiup lilin , lempar-lempar kue .

00.30 pulang ke rumah .